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Frequently Asked Questions at A+ Dentists

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IV Sedation FAQs

What is intravenous conscious sedation?

Intravenous (IV) conscious sedation is a specialized technique that involves the administration of a powerful sedative drug, such as Midazolam or Hypnovel (similar to valium), through a vein in the arm. This sedative induces a state of relaxation, allowing for complex, lengthy, or uncomfortable dental treatments to be performed with ease.

How will it make me feel?

During IV sedation, you will experience a deep sense of relaxation, drowsiness, and contentment. Although you will not be fully alert, you will be able to communicate when required. Most people undergoing this treatment tend to drift off but can still respond when spoken to. It’s important to note that IV sedation does not cause feelings of drunkenness or disinhibition; rather, it resembles a sleepwalking-like state.

If I’m not fully asleep, will the treatment hurt?

To ensure your comfort, local anaesthesia (numbing of the mouth) is achieved alongside IV sedation. This prevents any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The administration of local anaesthetic is done in a way that minimizes any discomfort, and you won’t remember it being done.

Will I know what is going on during the treatment?

One of the effects of the sedative drug is amnesia, which results in a temporary blockage of your memory of the procedure. Time may appear distorted, with an hour feeling like just a few seconds. It is common for individuals to have little to no recollection of the procedure and mistakenly believe they were asleep throughout.

Are there any side effects?

One of the main yet easily controlled side effects of IV sedation is a decrease in breathing rate due to the deep relaxation induced by the drug. Our clinical team has undergone extensive training to recognise and manage all common complications, and we always adopt a multi-layered approach to maximise your safety during your IV sedation appointment. Firstly, we will connect you to a state-of-the-art medical monitoring device which will keep track of your important vital signs like blood pressure, pulse rate, the amount of oxygen in your blood as well as the quality of air you breathe out. We are promptly alerted if any of your vital signs falls below the desired level. Secondly, you will be monitored by our highly trained and certified Sedation Nurse at all times. Thirdly, you will be connected to an oxygen saturator, which will assist you by ensuring that you have enough oxygen entering your body at all times. Finally, we have high pressure oxygen and all necessary emergency equipment and drugs at hand to support our patients if a complication like a fall in the breathing rate is encountered.

Is IV sedation safe?

IV sedation is an extremely safe procedure, thanks to the specific drugs used and our comprehensive monitoring systems. In the rare event of complications, we have the ability to reverse the sedative effects by administering another drug. IV sedation is safer than general anesthesia, and allergic reactions to the drugs used are highly uncommon. Our dentist is experienced in IV sedation and performs the procedure regularly, adhering to all safety guidelines and protocols.

Wisdom Teeth FAQs

Why do we have Wisdom Teeth?

Having a maximum of 32 teeth, wisdom teeth are the last set to come through at the back of the mouth. They typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, but sometimes even later. Due to smaller jaw sizes, most people lack enough space for all 32 teeth. As a result, the wisdom teeth may not have enough room to properly come through if all other teeth are present and healthy.

What is an impacted Wisdom Tooth?

An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when there isn’t enough room for it to fully emerge, causing it to become stuck against the tooth in front of it. The angle and position of the impacted tooth can vary, indicating the difficulty of its removal.

How can I alleviate discomfort from Wisdom Teeth?

To reduce gum soreness and inflammation in hard-to-reach areas, rinsing your mouth with a warm saltwater or antiseptic mouthwash can be helpful. Over-the-counter painkillers like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can also provide temporary relief.

Are X-rays necessary?

X-rays are essential for evaluating the position, angulation, and potential disease processes affecting the wisdom tooth and the neighbouring teeth. These images help determine the need for treatment and guide the extraction procedure.

Are Wisdom Teeth challenging to extract?

The ease or difficulty of extracting each wisdom tooth depends on its position and root shape. After reviewing X-ray results, your dentist will inform you about the anticipated level of complexity. Generally, upper wisdom teeth are easier to remove than lower ones, which are more prone to impaction. In rare cases, the removal of a lower tooth may lead to temporary or permanent numbness of the lip or tongue. Your dentist will inform you if this is a possibility.

What should I expect after Wisdom Tooth extraction?

Post-extraction discomfort varies depending on the complexity of the procedure. Swelling and mild discomfort may persist for a few days, and following your dentist’s instructions regarding mouthwashes and home care will aid in healing. Painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can help manage any pain. It is advisable to rest and avoid vigorous activities for 24 hours post-extraction to prevent complications like bleeding. Stitches may be used to promote gum healing.

Do Wisdom Teeth always cause problems?

No, if there is sufficient space, wisdom teeth can emerge into proper positions without causing more issues than any other tooth. While slight discomfort during eruption may occur, it is usually temporary and subsides once the tooth is fully in position.

What problems should I be prepared for?

If a wisdom tooth partially emerges through the gum while remaining partially covered, the gum may become sore and swollen. Inadequate cleaning due to food particles and bacteria collecting under the gum edge can be challenging. Your dentist will advise whether this is a temporary issue that can be managed with mouthwashes, special cleaning techniques, and possibly antibiotics, or if extraction is the better course of action.

What if self-care methods don’t provide relief?

If pain persists or you experience difficulty opening your mouth or recurring infections around the crown of the tooth, medication or extraction may be necessary. Consult with us for appropriate treatment options.

What are the main reasons for removing Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth may need removal under various circumstances, including repeated infections, decay in the wisdom tooth or adjacent teeth, gum disease caused by the wisdom tooth, cysts or tumors developing around the wisdom tooth, or when the wisdom tooth obstructs surgical procedures.

Will Wisdom Teeth extraction affect my face or mouth appearance?

While there may be some temporary swelling for a few days following wisdom teeth removal, once the area is fully healed, there will be no noticeable changes to your face or appearance.

What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

An impacted wisdom tooth refers to a third molar at the back of the mouth that doesn’t have enough space to emerge or grow normally. These teeth can be trapped in your jawbone or gums, which can be painful and may lead to complications.

Why might my impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Impacted wisdom teeth often need to be removed due to potential issues and complications they can cause. These issues may include damage to other teeth, the development of cysts, infection, or gum disease. Moreover, removal may be recommended if the wisdom teeth are causing pain or discomfort.

How will I feel after wisdom tooth removal?

Similar to other dental procedures, some discomfort and swelling may be experienced after wisdom tooth extraction. However, with appropriate aftercare and pain management, these symptoms are typically temporary and subside after a few days. Remember, the end goal is to alleviate the long-term troubles brought about by impacted wisdom teeth.

If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.



Frequently Asked Questions A+ Dentists | (09) 5347916